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11th Ottawa Group meeting 2009 |

A paper reviewing the main conceptual advances of my PhD thesis has been accepted as room document at the 11th Ottawa Group meeting (co-authored with H. W. Brachinger). It is also available from the DQE Working Paper Series.

Deutsche Kurzfassung der Dissertation |

Eine deutsche Kurzfassung meiner Dissertation ist unter dem Titel «Modellierung und Schätzung hedonischer Elementarpreisindizes» erschienen in Wirtschaft und Statistik 4/2008, herausgegeben vom deutschen Statistischen Bundesamt.

Gerhard Fürst Award |

On 22 November 2007, the German Federal Statistical Office awarded me the Gerhard Fürst Award 2007 for my PhD thesis.

Joseph Vigener prize |

On 15 November 2007, the University of Fribourg awarded me the Joseph Vigener prize 2007 of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences for my PhD thesis.

R code |

The essential algorithms used in the thesis for estimating hedonic functions and elementary hedonic price indices are written in R and available in the hepi package.

hedonic elementary price indices |

Hedonic Elementary Price Indices Book Cover

I wrote my PhD thesis with the title

Hedonic Elementary Price Indices:
Axiomatic Foundation and Estimation Techniques

under the guidance of Prof. Dr Hans Wolfgang Brachinger at the Faculty of Economics of Social Sciences (University of Fribourg Switzerland). Second advisor was Prof. Dr Dr h.c. mult. Wolfgang Eichhorn. The thesis was published in February 2007.

ISBN 978-3-033-01099-4

Abstract |

The hedonic approach is currently seen as the most promising method for constructing quality-adjusted price indices. Building upon a novel axiomatic framework, the current piece of work tackles the fundamental question of what hedonic elementary price indices actually measure. They reflect the average price change over time for a set of products of constant quality. Furthermore, they are latent economic parameters that require a precise definition before being estimated from empirical data.

Once the set of suitable definitions is specified, it turns out that most of the well-known index formulae are natural estimators of particular hedonic elementary price indices. They are all based on estimates of the hedonic function relating the characteristics (and thus the quality) of a product to its price. Adapted bootstrap resampling methods may be used to explore the stochastic nature of such estimators of ‘pure’ inflation.

The concepts presented in this study are illustrated by an empirical analysis of the market of used cars in Switzerland.

Electronic version |

The electronic version of my thesis is available at RERO DOC.

Paperback version |

Copies of the paperback version (20.5 x 14.5 cm) can be ordered at the price of CHF 42.00 (plus CHF 8.00 for delivery). Orders can be made through PayPal by clicking on the following button:

Please accept up to 10–15 working days for delivery.

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